Ivana Klesniaková


Ivana has begun her flute studies at the age of 6, at the elementary music schol in Zvolen, under the guidance of Mgr. Katarína Švolíková DiS, art. Then she continued her studies at the the Conservatory of J. L. Bella in Banská Bystrica with the teacher Mgr. art. Anton Prievalský. During the conservatory studies, she has attended several competitions. At the competition of slovak conservatories in 2014 she won the 3rd place, in 2016 1st place, in 2018 2nd place and at the chamber music competition in 2017 she gained honorable mention.
At the chamber music competition Divertimento musicale she won with her collegues of Grand trio 1st place.
She has also attended several masterclasses, such as Medzinárodní mistrovské interpretační kurzy in Brno (Czech republic) in 2015, Summer Academy of Music Kraków (Poland) in 2016 and International Summer Academy in Biel (Switzerland). In 2018 she attended Erasmus study course in Lisbon (Portugal) at the guidance of Nuno Inácio. Since 2017 she is a member of Slovak youth orchestra, with which she played several concerts in Slovakia.
At the present she continues her studies at Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica, where she studies her 1st year of Master degree in class of MAg. art. Ivica Gabrišová, ArtD. She had also studied conducting at Conservatory of J. L. Bella, which she finished last year. She also has some conducting sucesses at the competitions – in 2018 and 2019 she won 2nd place at Nad zborovou partitúrou in Banská Bystrica.
She is a member of orchestra of State opera in Banská Bystrica on a position piccolo/3rd flute. She also teaches flute at several music schools in Slovakia.

